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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I want to be like a lily...

Lilies are a very unique and fragrant flower. They give off a sweet perfume that permeates entire rooms. They have pollen that will stick to you easily and change the color of your clothes. I want to be an atmosphere changer whose sweet spirit permeates throughout rooms. I want to cause irreversible changes in people's lives for the better when I come in contact with them. I want my life to paint a beautiful picture easy to gaze at like the beauty of a lily. Father, make me as a lily among the thorns to all who know me, in Jesus' name.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Jesus Unleashed by Joel Killion

A book you HAVE to read by one of my bestest :) friends!! It will change the way you see Jesus forever!! He has made it all available online at NO CHARGE!! 
What are you waiting for??? Click on the heading to read it now!!!

Having a hard time getting your point across to someone??

This book helps you understand different personality types and takes the mystery out of certain people's behavior. Is someone you live with, work with, or socialize with hard for you to understand? Does their behavior sometimes puzzle you? And sometimes even hurt you? This book brings focus to the unclear. It reveals how different personality types think and act and may even show you that those hard-to-deal-with people are very pure in their motivations and never realized how much their behavior negatively affects you. I LOVED learning about my personality type. The four types (in Deborah's airplane language) are Captain, Attendant, Passenger, and Engineer. I was the Attendant all the way! Some Attendant characteristics: Needs others to support their ideas, acheives acceptance by playfulness or creating a  stimulating environment, likes you to be fun, wants to be accepted, irritated by boredom or routine, measures personal worth by acknowledgement, recognition, and compliments, familiar expression is "Yes", and decisions are spontaneous. Now you know me!! ;)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Favorite Barley Drink

Click on the title to see the link...This is a sweet powder I take in the spoon and chase with lots of water. It is so good though, that even my kids would take it!! They even asked for it!! :D Try it!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Why Women Date Bad Boys by Rabbi Shmuley

Oprah Radio
January 01, 2008

Why does a guy who doesn't know how to commit, is narcissistic, self-absorbed and only concerned about himself in bed seem like a good boyfriend? Rabbi Shmuley explains why "bad boys" seem sexy, why women date them and what they should do instead.

What makes bad boys so attractive to women?

They're different. "Bad boys are interesting, they're nonconventional, they're iconoclastic and a breath of fresh air," Rabbi Shmuley says. After a woman has dated a lot of guys, they may all be a blur—then this guy comes along, and he doesn't care what anyone thinks about him, he says.

They're dynamic. Men are attracted to women's passivity, but women hate being placed in a passive state, Rabbi Shmuley says. "Women love men who bring them out by making them laugh, being dynamic and exciting," he says. "Bad boys are confident, rebellious—they just reek belief in themselves."

They need rescuing. Rabbi Shmuley says some women have a "messiah complex"—they want to be the person who can rescue the bad boy. "They think, 'Only I see he's a diamond in the rough. Everyone else sees him as a bad boy, but I know the tender heart he has,'" he says. "When you are the only one who can rescue the guy, you're special, unique. You immediately have a special relationship with him that no other woman has because only you can help him."

The women are not in it for a commitment. Some women are passive commitment-phobes, Rabbi Shmuley says. Active commitment-phobes get uncomfortable the longer a relationship goes on and start trying to find faults in order to end it. A passive commitment-phobic woman dates bad boys from the outset, thereby sabotaging the relationship so it can never develop.

What's the solution?

Consider "nice guys." "Women need to finally find goodness and kindness to be interesting," Rabbi Shmuley says. "It's not only rebellious behavior that is interesting. Nice guys deserve a shot."

Realize who bad boys really are. Bad boys don't have real confidence. "A person who's overly aggressive with their personality, who's an attention seeker—it's because they're insecure," Rabbi Shmuley says. "Really deep down, there's this broken little boy who needs to rebel or who needs to bed women to feel good about himself."

Have some self-respect. Don't be with a guy who's going to treat you like dirt, Rabbi Shmuley says. "Every doormat says 'Welcome.' You're not a doormat."

Today's Shmuleyism

"Women who love bad boys suffer from a 'messiah complex'—only I can save him, only I see that he's a diamond in the rough. Better to rescue a good man from his loneliness than a bad boy from his misogyny."

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Can the anointing flow through my phone?? It's growing to my hand!!

I think I can see my skin growing around my phone!! If I pray for someone, do you think they'll be offended if I have my smart phone in my hand??

Sounds sad, huh? But I had to take a break from my phone for a few days just to regain some balance. Turning off my computer, TV, and cell phone helped me recognize how much time I lose on things that carry no weight in eternity. Time to refocus.

2 Timothy 2:4 No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.