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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Do others tell you that you are intimidating?

“So when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him.” Exodus‬ ‭34:30‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

You are wondering why people react differently to you. Why you are so misunderstood and sometimes seem to be irritating to some, when all you do is strive for peace - even to your own hurt. This word from God is for you: 

You are trying to fit in when I specifically designed you to stick out. Just as Saul the king was designed to stick out above the crowd physically (“And he had a choice and handsome son whose name was Saul. There was not a more handsome person than he among the children of Israel. From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people.” I Samuel‬ ‭9:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬,

I have designed you to stick out spiritually. People react differently to you because they see your face shining like Moses’ because you’ve been hidden away with me. Moses tried to veil the glory so he wouldn’t intimidate others BUT it was futile. In the same way, drop all the futile gestures used to make others feel more comfortable and instead stand in who I’ve made you to be. Get used to being stared at like the sign and wonder you are. You were designed to draw others to Jesus. Don’t try to shrink, instead use the amazement to bring them to Jesus. 

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