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Saturday, April 09, 2011

Realtionship tip for the day

When you begin to get frustrated with someone, take a deep breath and begin to to speak out loud all the things you are thankful for about that person. Once you've reminded yourself that this person is not your enemy, then figure out why you were frustrated and decide if in the big scheme of life, does it really matter? Is it something that can just be overlooked? Then live and let live! Live, laugh, and love! You know for sure you are definitely over it when you can laugh out loud at what you were frustrated about!
A good proverb to live by:
A relaxed attitude will prolong your life.

Aaronic blessing I have started to pray:

The Lord bless you and keep you,
The Lord make his face shine upon you
And be gracious to you.
The Lord lift up his countenence upon you
And give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

Sunday, January 09, 2011

I've Been CONVERTED!!!

My beautiful Friend Christy Neidergall converted me into a COUPON CLIPPER (sorta)! The link below takes you to an awesome website that does all the research to find all the FREE and DISCOUNTED stuff you already buy anyway!!! The majority is groceries, but I made a FREE photobook from KODAK last night and only paid $1.99 for shipping/handing!! They even have discounts on WALL ART! Search for what you want in the search box and you will be surprised at what you can find!!

businesses,finances,growths,investments,metaphors,money growing on trees,money trees,monies,Photographs,wealth

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Nikki's Personality Profile

Click on the link to know the depths of my being!!! LOL!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Being set free in the love of Christ!

Brothers in Christ remind us of Kingdom mindsets. It is absolutely freeing! Click on the link below to listen to the latest podcast...

The God Journey

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Needy People

[CLICK on the TITLE to see videos] I have recently asked the Lord to open my eyes to needy people and came across (not by coincidence) these You Tube videos...really helps with my budgeting goals...remembering how blessed I am. Look to the left of the blog to view more. <3