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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Do others tell you that you are intimidating?

“So when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him.” Exodus‬ ‭34:30‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

You are wondering why people react differently to you. Why you are so misunderstood and sometimes seem to be irritating to some, when all you do is strive for peace - even to your own hurt. This word from God is for you: 

You are trying to fit in when I specifically designed you to stick out. Just as Saul the king was designed to stick out above the crowd physically (“And he had a choice and handsome son whose name was Saul. There was not a more handsome person than he among the children of Israel. From his shoulders upward he was taller than any of the people.” I Samuel‬ ‭9:2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬,

I have designed you to stick out spiritually. People react differently to you because they see your face shining like Moses’ because you’ve been hidden away with me. Moses tried to veil the glory so he wouldn’t intimidate others BUT it was futile. In the same way, drop all the futile gestures used to make others feel more comfortable and instead stand in who I’ve made you to be. Get used to being stared at like the sign and wonder you are. You were designed to draw others to Jesus. Don’t try to shrink, instead use the amazement to bring them to Jesus. 

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Don’t Let Go

Have you ever witnessed a crossbow being employed? Have you seen the tension in the strings as the arrow is drawn back? The tighter the tension, the more power the arrow exhibits; the further it goes. The further the strings are stretched, the higher the tension becomes. 

Have you been in a season of stretching? Have you felt the tension in your life until you’re at a breaking point? Well, you haven’t found this blog by accident. God wanted to show you a metaphor that could change your life if you let it seep in.

You are the arrow in the hands of a divine Warrior. It seems the more one is stretched - or allows God to stretch them - the more power and force they destroy the works of darkness with. The further their influence spreads. Can I let you know in this season of stretching, you are just being prepared for the sudden release.

With forceful thrust, the world will never be the same because you allowed God to stretch you. To put tension in your life as a propellant to your great destiny. 

Hold tight. Don’t let go.

Simply believe and speak out loud - this is not the end - this time of tension is simply a preparation for my sudden and very powerful release to the divine bullseye God designed for me before I was even born!

This too shall pass, my friend. This too shall pass.

Just hold on.

And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭6:9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Love the Skin You're In: 6 ways to be bolder than you've dreamed possible TODAY!

Toes not polished, blow out impossible today, car filled with crumbs from the kiddos or skipped out on shaving today? Are there many days when you ‘have it all together’? I am not talking about what society has asked of you – NO…this feat is much more steep and almost impossible to accomplish: it is the pressure from within. What you have told yourself you need to do in order to be successful or be accomplished in your eyes? When is the last time you have stopped to celebrate a recent goal being accomplished? A brave step you took? A loving moment you chose to be in?

How about forgive yourself for not being perfect?

It isn’t easy to quiet the task master that lives inside our minds, but it is worth the work. The rewards of emotional health and increased happiness are priceless, not only to us, but to all around us depending on and drawing from the well of our souls. When the golden rule was issued, it had a small phrase on the end of it that goes completely unnoticed, yet is packed with unending power.

Love others as you love yourself. (emphasis mine)

Sometimes I think it could be looked at as a statement instead of a command. If we observe human behavior for more than a millisecond, we can see that if someone is bullying others, they were usually being bullied themselves; if someone is judgmental toward others, they are usually very hard on themselves; if a parent demands perfection from their children, there is a good chance the task master in their minds are demanding perfection as well.

How well are you loving yourself today? If you were to record your thoughts, would you allow someone to talk to your daughter, niece or mother that way? Even the act of respecting yourself enough to put up boundaries, tends to free you to be a more loving person again – giving of yourself out of cheerfulness and no longer out of obligation.

Here are my six admonitions I am striving to live by to love the skin I’m in a little more today than I did yesterday:

1)      Take some of the pressure off! Give yourself a day without makeup! Carve out ‘me’ time to do what brings you joy. If it involves others who won’t cooperate, keep looking for those who are flowing in the same river you desire to be in. If you focus long enough, you will see what you desire show up like a magnet. Don’t fix your eyes on certain people and trying to control them, but open yourself up to meet new people with which you can enjoy life. This brings me to my next point.
2)      Admit you cannot control everything or anyone. This is the first step in Codependents Anonymous and perpetuates the idea of loving others well by not driving yourself crazy! When you face the reality that you are powerless to control others, a pressure value releases and can you make decisions clearly when you accept others’ choices and move forward. What if moving forward involves something that scares me?
3)      Do it afraid! When you are excited and scared by something, it usually is stretching you beyond your past and is a great way to build a better tomorrow. You will miss so many wonderful moments and opportunities if you refuse to move toward what makes you nervous. Go for it! It will eventually be second nature and you will be ready for the next step of spreading out your influence. What if you are bold and fall flat on your face?
4)      Give yourself permission to fail. Do you expect the first time your toddler takes a step for him to be confident and sure of himself? Absolutely not! Then don’t expect yourself to be a superstar right out of the gate. Be realistic. Give yourself grace. Laugh a lot. But don’t give into fear. Fear and regret are twin sisters that want to eat your lunch! Close the lunchbox and walk on. It is not too hard!
5)      You are stronger than you know. This is a phrase I yell out when teaching group fitness classes. When people want to quit, hearing a voice that reminds them they have strength that will rise up under the right circumstances, they begin feel invincible. That is what I am praying my words do for you today: cause you to rise above your circumstances and see life in the light of eternity. What really matters to your heart? What do you want to look back on and be proud you gave your time and attention to? What is the next right step that will move you in that direction? A majority of that is in your mind.
6)      Watch what you say to yourself. Remember the ‘love yourself’ phrase from a couple of paragraphs ago? When you begin to talk lovingly to yourself, being grateful of what you have to offer to the world, your words begin to drip sweetness and peace as well. Others love to be around those that know how to love themselves well. That is where you will experience the natural overflow of loving others well.
Deepen your well today. Press into tomorrow without beating up on yourself today. It will come to pass if you just don’t give up, my friend. Just don’t give up. You are much stronger than you know.

“Love the Skin You’re In” is more than just a slogan for my mobile spray tanning business (Hot MamaMobile #hmm), it is a reminder to myself and all of us to be nicer, kinder, gentler on ourselves. As if society didn’t put enough pressure on women, I think we put even more pressure on ourselves to ‘do it all’ and do it looking good. We spend so much time and energy on trying to look good and feel good that we end up not giving ourselves to the causes that move our hearts as much as we wish to. My mobile spray tanning business was formed in an effort to give women some of their time back. I can be in and out of your home or office in 20 minutes with my spray tanning system. I never wanted to be a part of the system that says you aren’t enough just the way you are. I wanted to be the cheerleader that adds the ‘sparkle’ to your life, lifting your spirits and your melatonin level without the risk of skin cancer. Yes, I believe whole heartedly that you are enough just the way you are and if you decide you would like a little color to enhance that natural beauty you radiate, call or text me at 864-707-1948.

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What is the Will of God for Your life? The Importance of Seeing in the Spirit

I have just officially closed a chapter of my life and have been reminded how very powerful and needed the ability to see and hear the spirit realm is for every believer.

In John 8:38, Jesus said "I speak what I have SEEN with my Father".

A little later in the chapter He says, "He who is of God HEARS God's words". John 8:47

In John 10:27, Jesus states "My sheep HEAR my voice...and they follow me".

I ran out of the court house with unrelenting sobs that came out louder than I anticipated. I knew they needed to be released, but I didn't know they would gush forth from such a deep place inside me. It was over. The gavel had fallen. The judge granted me what my lawyer had prepared for: a divorce by adultery. A divorce. A second divorce before I was even 40 years old. Grief was covering me like a menacing cloud that was starting to materialize and turn to an encompassing blanket. Not any blanket, but a thick heavy blanket of reality that I had to raise another son in a split home and release the hope of reconciliation with my husband. I just wanted to hide somewhere. I wanted to go into a private place where I could scream and cry and beat the floor without judgment. Where a year and a half of holding my breath looking for any change in behavior could finally be released.

That is when the phone rang. My oldest son uttered the words, "I just had a wreck". I really couldn't even understand the words I was hearing, much less an appropriate response I should give. I was still swirling in my own cloud when I suddenly had a knock in the head of mom strength to focus and be strong for him. Who knows where that energy to rescue my kids comes from but it seems to always be there in the reserves just waiting for times like this. Thank God my son wasn't hurt but his car wasn't going to bring him home for the holidays. So I commenced on my three hour trip to pick him up. God knew what I needed. The three hours back with him were refreshing, like cold water on a hot face. That dark blanket was sliding off and a deep seated thankfulness for God's divine timing and providence grew inside me.

The next morning as I reached out to the Lord in prayer, I saw him (not with my physical eyes, but with spiritual eyes) hand me a pair of wire cutters. I looked down and saw a giant fish hook hanging out of my belly (again, in the spiritual). I took the tool he handed me and cut the barb off the hook and slid it out of me, just like you would if you caught yourself while fishing. That's it! Sounds so simple, but from that moment on, I felt free. I mean like it doesn't make sense to your mind kinda free! I was no longer sad or full of grief. I felt light and excited. Like the scripture says, the joy of my salvation felt like it returned to me and I was ready to run. That unexplainable joy and excitement started a reflection process in me that I wanted to share here.

Sixteen years ago, I was hanging around a group of people that always asked the question "What is the will of God for my life?" They always seemed to be desperately seeking, but hopelessly blind. Their emotions followed suite: the days they felt like they were doing something 'spiritual' would bring elation and the days they did 'normal', everyday things would be disappointing. I couldn't help but desire to distance myself from these thought patterns as they were exhausting! Eventually in 2002, I met a group of people who were confident that everything they did was 'spiritual'. They were determined to preach the gospel in season and out of season with every word, action and thought no matter where they were or who they were with. They could see and hear things in the spiritual realm that would bless others tremendously and often cause life changing results. I wanted that. I wanted to be able to love people well. I wanted to hear what God had to say knowing it would be full of love and power. So I started to practice listening. I hung around those that could hear well and asked questions. I trained my ear to trust what I was hearing. A lot of times God is speaking to us but we pass it off as our own weird thoughts or something fleeting. In reality, it is the God of the universe that very clearly promised that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him.

What pasture is he leading into you today?

~Love you so much~

Nikki Martin

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I am the undead

Halloween is tomorrow and all my Bitmojis are zombies. Sending my son a “Have a great day” zombie Bitmoji this morning made me realize I am in real life, the undead. I’m alive physically but before I was one with My Creator, I was dead. Dead spiritually - meaning I was separated from the life flow- unplugged - spiritually lifeless! When I got on my knees and asked God to take over in 2000, I became un-dead - colors were brighter, smells were stronger, my mind was clearer! I know the real zombie fans will say I don’t understand zombie culture and I agree, I don’t! But I’m totally jacking the word undead! Even if just for Halloween!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Desperate to enjoy your kids?

Get your shoes on NOW! I have told you a million times! Don't hit your sister! Stop whining! Why won't you listen to me??!! Sound familiar?

Are you tired of feeling like you are fussing and fighting with your kids all day long? Exhausted emotionally and desperate for a change? Wouldn't you love to spend quality time with your children?

Can you dream with me for a minute - like Dr. Seuss's Oh the thinks you can think we listen to on our Dr.Seuss App - about a day when your kids are excited to see you and want to spend time with you? Can you start to imagine yourself as a magnet that your kids are drawn to and untangle those frustrating thoughts? Can you let them fall to the ground now and mentally wipe the slate clean. Even if just for a moment, stick with me here!

If your kids were not yours - step outside the busyness of everyday life - can you put your magnifying glasses on and search for one good behavior or quality about your children? Do they love learning? Are they good at running? Are they an expert at a game? Are they tech saavy? Whatever you have to dig for - FOCUS very intently on the good that is in your children. Now start a list of those things and blow them up! Talk about them to your children - talk about them in front of your children to other adults. Act like you have won the lottery every time they obey or complete a nice gesture. Let them see how much you appreciate that good behavior and make it a habit to celebrate successes. What you focus on - you attract more of! It is hard to resist the natural draw of someone who is talking good about you (i.e. the power of social media).

What we have a tendency to do as humans, is focus on the negative our kids are doing and then make it bigger and bigger by telling others and rolling it around and around in our minds. Take those same habits and simply shift the focus to the positive instead of the negative. I'm not saying you ignore the behaviors that need to be corrected, but let's make sure we stick to the old 3-to-1 ratio; 3 positive comments for every negative one!

You Got This!!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Hidden Doors

I have been sleeping beside this piece of furniture for almost a week now in my extended family’s home and just realized that it had this hidden side door literally facing me as I slept. God has hidden doors inside of Him he wants you to seek out. 

They could be accelerators or shortcuts to future promises, they could wisdom keys that navigate you smoothly through rough waters or decisions you have to make. It could be inventions or business ideas that elevate you to new levels authority. It could be just what you need right now! Dig into the Lord like a crab burying himself in the sand to find shelter and help from the pounding waves of life! He’s ready to take you on an adventure! 

Revelation 3:8 - See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it

Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.