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Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What is the Will of God for Your life? The Importance of Seeing in the Spirit

I have just officially closed a chapter of my life and have been reminded how very powerful and needed the ability to see and hear the spirit realm is for every believer.

In John 8:38, Jesus said "I speak what I have SEEN with my Father".

A little later in the chapter He says, "He who is of God HEARS God's words". John 8:47

In John 10:27, Jesus states "My sheep HEAR my voice...and they follow me".

I ran out of the court house with unrelenting sobs that came out louder than I anticipated. I knew they needed to be released, but I didn't know they would gush forth from such a deep place inside me. It was over. The gavel had fallen. The judge granted me what my lawyer had prepared for: a divorce by adultery. A divorce. A second divorce before I was even 40 years old. Grief was covering me like a menacing cloud that was starting to materialize and turn to an encompassing blanket. Not any blanket, but a thick heavy blanket of reality that I had to raise another son in a split home and release the hope of reconciliation with my husband. I just wanted to hide somewhere. I wanted to go into a private place where I could scream and cry and beat the floor without judgment. Where a year and a half of holding my breath looking for any change in behavior could finally be released.

That is when the phone rang. My oldest son uttered the words, "I just had a wreck". I really couldn't even understand the words I was hearing, much less an appropriate response I should give. I was still swirling in my own cloud when I suddenly had a knock in the head of mom strength to focus and be strong for him. Who knows where that energy to rescue my kids comes from but it seems to always be there in the reserves just waiting for times like this. Thank God my son wasn't hurt but his car wasn't going to bring him home for the holidays. So I commenced on my three hour trip to pick him up. God knew what I needed. The three hours back with him were refreshing, like cold water on a hot face. That dark blanket was sliding off and a deep seated thankfulness for God's divine timing and providence grew inside me.

The next morning as I reached out to the Lord in prayer, I saw him (not with my physical eyes, but with spiritual eyes) hand me a pair of wire cutters. I looked down and saw a giant fish hook hanging out of my belly (again, in the spiritual). I took the tool he handed me and cut the barb off the hook and slid it out of me, just like you would if you caught yourself while fishing. That's it! Sounds so simple, but from that moment on, I felt free. I mean like it doesn't make sense to your mind kinda free! I was no longer sad or full of grief. I felt light and excited. Like the scripture says, the joy of my salvation felt like it returned to me and I was ready to run. That unexplainable joy and excitement started a reflection process in me that I wanted to share here.

Sixteen years ago, I was hanging around a group of people that always asked the question "What is the will of God for my life?" They always seemed to be desperately seeking, but hopelessly blind. Their emotions followed suite: the days they felt like they were doing something 'spiritual' would bring elation and the days they did 'normal', everyday things would be disappointing. I couldn't help but desire to distance myself from these thought patterns as they were exhausting! Eventually in 2002, I met a group of people who were confident that everything they did was 'spiritual'. They were determined to preach the gospel in season and out of season with every word, action and thought no matter where they were or who they were with. They could see and hear things in the spiritual realm that would bless others tremendously and often cause life changing results. I wanted that. I wanted to be able to love people well. I wanted to hear what God had to say knowing it would be full of love and power. So I started to practice listening. I hung around those that could hear well and asked questions. I trained my ear to trust what I was hearing. A lot of times God is speaking to us but we pass it off as our own weird thoughts or something fleeting. In reality, it is the God of the universe that very clearly promised that His sheep hear His voice and follow Him.

What pasture is he leading into you today?

~Love you so much~

Nikki Martin

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

I am the undead

Halloween is tomorrow and all my Bitmojis are zombies. Sending my son a “Have a great day” zombie Bitmoji this morning made me realize I am in real life, the undead. I’m alive physically but before I was one with My Creator, I was dead. Dead spiritually - meaning I was separated from the life flow- unplugged - spiritually lifeless! When I got on my knees and asked God to take over in 2000, I became un-dead - colors were brighter, smells were stronger, my mind was clearer! I know the real zombie fans will say I don’t understand zombie culture and I agree, I don’t! But I’m totally jacking the word undead! Even if just for Halloween!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Desperate to enjoy your kids?

Get your shoes on NOW! I have told you a million times! Don't hit your sister! Stop whining! Why won't you listen to me??!! Sound familiar?

Are you tired of feeling like you are fussing and fighting with your kids all day long? Exhausted emotionally and desperate for a change? Wouldn't you love to spend quality time with your children?

Can you dream with me for a minute - like Dr. Seuss's Oh the thinks you can think we listen to on our Dr.Seuss App - about a day when your kids are excited to see you and want to spend time with you? Can you start to imagine yourself as a magnet that your kids are drawn to and untangle those frustrating thoughts? Can you let them fall to the ground now and mentally wipe the slate clean. Even if just for a moment, stick with me here!

If your kids were not yours - step outside the busyness of everyday life - can you put your magnifying glasses on and search for one good behavior or quality about your children? Do they love learning? Are they good at running? Are they an expert at a game? Are they tech saavy? Whatever you have to dig for - FOCUS very intently on the good that is in your children. Now start a list of those things and blow them up! Talk about them to your children - talk about them in front of your children to other adults. Act like you have won the lottery every time they obey or complete a nice gesture. Let them see how much you appreciate that good behavior and make it a habit to celebrate successes. What you focus on - you attract more of! It is hard to resist the natural draw of someone who is talking good about you (i.e. the power of social media).

What we have a tendency to do as humans, is focus on the negative our kids are doing and then make it bigger and bigger by telling others and rolling it around and around in our minds. Take those same habits and simply shift the focus to the positive instead of the negative. I'm not saying you ignore the behaviors that need to be corrected, but let's make sure we stick to the old 3-to-1 ratio; 3 positive comments for every negative one!

You Got This!!!

Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Hidden Doors

I have been sleeping beside this piece of furniture for almost a week now in my extended family’s home and just realized that it had this hidden side door literally facing me as I slept. God has hidden doors inside of Him he wants you to seek out. 

They could be accelerators or shortcuts to future promises, they could wisdom keys that navigate you smoothly through rough waters or decisions you have to make. It could be inventions or business ideas that elevate you to new levels authority. It could be just what you need right now! Dig into the Lord like a crab burying himself in the sand to find shelter and help from the pounding waves of life! He’s ready to take you on an adventure! 

Revelation 3:8 - See, I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it

Revelation 3:20 - Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me.

Friday, April 06, 2018

CONTROL- I like to have a lot! -Janet J.

Isn’t it funny how we grasp for, pant after, grovel to control anything in life - even as elusive as it is? After joining Codependant Anonymous meetings, I have come to realize any control I think I have is really an illusion. Try it-think of something you think you control. Has it ever NOT gone the way you would like it to? Even my bodily functions like using the bathroom don’t listen to my pleas of waiting eight hours while I travel!
This need to control can come from many sources - mine came from emotional pain. I just wanted to do all I can to guarantee I wouldn’t have to suffer the way I have suffered in the past. It seems like the more I tried to avoid that kind of pain, the more came to me. Like Job once said “The thing I feared the most has come upon me”.
I am in a season of the Lord untangling the weeds of my beliefs. Especially beliefs about myself in my core. I have started tracing negative thoughts to their source by asking ‘why’ a lot and find most are rooted in fear of pain and a miserable attempt to control the future.
You know when you let go of trying to put the world in your basket and just let the day unfold as you walk with Jesus, the peace that passes understanding really washes over you!
Come on this journey with me to freedom and give up your desire to control. I dare you! xoxo